Serving over 18,000 individuals annually, Gaudenzia operates 141 drug and alcohol treatment programs for men and women. Over the past 15 years, SSCG & SPM have provided a comprehensive range of services to Gaudenzia, managing all aspects of their real estate development from concept to completion, including securing multiple funding sources to managing projects through the construction process. We have assisted Gaudenzia in developing a multitude of projects in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware with a total of over 1000 units and a value of $73 million.

NewCourtland – 1900 Allegheny Campus
SSCG & SPM have assisted NewCourtland Elder Services, from conception through construction, on the 1900 Allegheny Campus, a large mixed-use multi-unit project. It consists of Phase 1, a 16,000 sq ft LIFE Center, which broke ground in October 2012 and was completed in September 2013, Phase 2 a 60‐unit new construction project for low‐income seniors that includes a senior center, and Phase 3 which includes 60 additional housing units. The 60 unit housing for 62+ seniors is currently in the construction stage. We created a feasibility plan for development of the 1900 Allegheny Campus, identified costs and sources to close the funding gap, addressed all technical and financial weaknesses, and sourced funds to fill gaps. We applied and achieved funding from the following sources, New Market Tax Credits, Low Income Tax Credits, City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce, RACP, City of Philadelphia Housing, and FHLB of San Francisco.

New Courtland- Apartments at Cliveden
NewCourtland Elder Services also retained SSCG & SPM to secure financing as well as manage the design and construction of the Apartments at Clivedon, which entailed the construction of a 52,125 sf building containing 62 1-bedroom units for low-income seniors, a community room, and offices for management and social service staff. The building is fully “visitable,” fourteen of the units are fully accessible to mobility-impaired individuals, and at least four units are accessible for sensory-impaired. Landscaping includes a large wandering garden featuring drought-tolerant plants for residents to enjoy. The design conforms with the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s green building criteria, including a green roof to eliminate “hot spots” and deal with stormwater management and a parking lot made from porous pavement.

Nolen Properties - Nugent and Presser Senior Apartments
SSCG & SPM assisted Nolen Properties in filling the funding gap for the conversion of two historic buildings with 101 total units into affordable senior apartments. We completed funding applications to Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the City of Philadelphia, Office of Housing and Community Development, and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh. The Presser Senior Apartments is the 2011 winner of the Grand Jury Award for Historic Preservation from the Preservation Alliance as well as the Pennsylvania Multi-Family Historic Preservation Award from Preservation Pennsylvania.

People’s Emergency Center - Families First
SSCG & SPM assisted People’s Emergency Center (PEC) in completing their RACP funded Families First project, a complex combination of property rehabilitation and new construction that resulted in an adult learning center and childcare center. We developed the project scope and schedule, assisted PEC in securing architectural, engineering and environmental services, provided documentation to satisfy RACP grant agreement special conditions, conducted a bid process, assembled the package of construction control deliverables for Commonwealth approval, and represented PEC through construction monitoring and the final project audit.

Nueva Esperanza – Esperanza Academy
Nueva Esperanza has been improving and strengthening the Hispanic community in the Hunting Park area of Philadelphia through real estate development projects that focus on housing, education, jobs, and culture. For years we have worked with Esperanza securing funding, planning, and building multiple projects including Esperanza Academy, which includes a middle school, high school, and performing arts center. We assisted in securing multiple RACP awards for construction of the middle school and performing arts center. For the Esperanza College and job center, we have managed, coordinated and overseen all aspects of the construction process.

Nueva Esperanza - Roberto Clemente Homes
SSCG & SPM assisted Nueva Esperanza in securing financing sources for Roberto Clemente Homes. The $17.3 million mixed use, adaptive reuse project consists of 38 units of affordable housing for low income families and individuals. We assisted Esperanza in securing the following funding sources:
- Low Income Housing Tax credits
- Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Affordable Housing Program
- PHA Capital Contribution
- City of Philadelphia HOME/CDBG/HTF funds
Federation Housing
SSCG & SPM assisted Federation Housing, Inc., a non-profit organization serving over 1400 low-income seniors, on three senior housing refinance deals; Robert Saligman House, Samuel Tabas House, and Ephraim Goldstein Apartments, that involved tax exempt and bond financing. These three projects are located in Northeast Philadelphia and contain a total of 656 units.